Monday, September 28, 2015

Elizabeth Hoyt: Maiden Lane

1. Bűnös szándék (Wicked Intentions)
Lazarus Huntington & Temperance Dews

2. Csillapíthatatlan vágy (Notorius Pleasures)
Griffin Reading & Hero Batten

3. Botrányos vágyak (Scandalous Desires)
Mickey O'Connor & Silence Hollingbrook

4. Az álarcos csókja (Thief of Shadows)
Winter Makepeace & Isabel Beckinhall

5. Az éjszaka ura (Lord of Darkness)
Godrick St. John & Margaret Reading

6. Duke of Midnight
Maximus Batten & Artemis Greaves

7. Darling Beast
Apollo Greaves & Lily Stump 

8. Dearest Rogue
James Trevillion & Phoebe Batten

9. Sweetest Scoundrel
Asa Makepeace & Eve Dinwoody

10. Duke of Sin
Valntine Napier története

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